"It's Okay to Not Be Okay After a Stressful Political Outcome."
Modern Loss (Nov. 8, 2024)
"Britain's Infected Blood Inquiry Changes Nothing. But it Means Everything."
The Toronto Globe and Mail (April 5, 2024)
"My Family Kept My Dad's Secret For Years. I Wasn't Prepared for What Telling the Truth Would Mean."
HuffPost (April 5, 2024)
"Interrogating the Cost of Silence and Finding My Voice"
Psychology Today (Oct. 27, 2023)
"A Daughter Who Couldn't Ask Questions Is Now A Mother Who Invites Them"
The Boston Globe (Oct. 1, 2023)
Literary Review of Canada (September 2023)
"A Gift for My Dad, 28 Father's Days After His Death"
Psychology Today (June 2023)
"A Full Circle Moment Ten Years in the Making"
Brevity's Nonfiction Blog (April 2023)
"A Sweet Way to Beat Rejection"
The Writer (February 2023)
"Why Wearing a Red Ribbon This World AIDS Day Still Matters"
Psychology Today (November 30, 2022)
"People Say Turning 50 is Fabulous. Here's What They Didn't Tell Me."
HuffPost (April 10, 2022)
"Tracing a Winding Path from Cuba to Florida to Maine with Poet Richard Blanco"
Yankee Magazine (January/February 2022)
'My Daughter's Leaving for College: It's Time to Fly, But Mama's Still Watching'
Your Teen Magazine (September 2021)
'The Surprising Comfort of an Unsent Father's Day Card'
Psychology Today (June 2021)
Modern Loss (December 2020)
During This Pandemic, I Miss the Refuge of My Therapist's Office
Psychology Today (October 2020)
Brevity's Nonfiction Blog (May 2020)
Your Hard Stories Matter—Now More Than Ever
Beacon Broadside (April 2020)
The Biggest Hole is Where the President's Empathy Should Be
Ms. Magazine (January 2020)
The Ms. Q&A: How Reema Zaman Found Healing in Her Own Story
Ms. Magazine (January 2019)
Making a Memoir: Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich's Journey to Write The Fact of a Body
Solstice Literary Magazine (Summer 2018)
A Different Perspective on a Show that Went Viral:
"13 Reasons Why" Gave Me Good Reason to Talk to my Daughter
Strong Selfie - Guest Blog (August 2017)
Thank you, Sherman Alexie, for Going Public with Your Pain
Modern Loss (August 2017)
Kyoko Mori on Writing Through Deep Trauma
Literary Hub (March 2017)
Writing Your Story, and Crying if you Want (or Need) To
Lisa Romeo Writes - Guest Blog (February 2017)
Shaping the Story is One of the Things that Will Keep You Alive
Creative Nonfiction (Winter 2017)
IOTA: Inspirational Space, Inspired Writing
Brevity's Nonfiction Blog (January 2017)
The Manifest-Station (November 2016)
After the Election, We Just Want to Be Seen
Bustle (November 2016)
This Just Happened, and Right Now I Need a Little Time
The Huffington Post (November 2016)
In Remembrance: Winner of the Michael Steinberg Prize in Nonfiction
Soltice Literary Magazine (Summer 2016)
Hope vs. Hate: What Made the Mothers of the Movement Speeches Different From Patricia Smith's Speech
The Huffington Post (August 2016)
Grief Is Not for Show: Exploiting a Mother's Loss at the RNC Was Just Wrong
The Huffington Post (July 2016)
Learning from my daughter how to be a better sports parent
The Washington Post (June 2016)
While the Reagans Stayed Silent on AIDS, Their Surgeon General Thankfully Did Not
The Huffington Post (March 2016)
Sins of the Father: Why Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Endorsement of Trump Feels Like Déjà Vu
The Huffington Post (February 2016)
Word Riot (December 2015)
Hippocampus Magazine (October 2015)
On Writing Memoir: A Conversation With Stonecoast's Suzanne Strempek Shea
The Stonecoast Review (Fall 2015)
The Ryan White Story, and Mine
The Recollectors (September 2015)
Could Everybody Stop Trying to Pretty Up Death? It's Not Working.
Modern Loss (August 2015)
Solstice Literary Magazine (Summer 2015)
Chased the sunset. Worth the trip.
Smith Magazine: Home of the Six Word Memoir (Chosen "The Daily Six" - August 24, 2015)